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30 March 2004
Japan Mission News Winter 2002
Prayer News from Aaron & Crystal in Japan - No. 29 – Winter 2002.
Isaiah 37:16 "O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, the One who dwells between the cherubim, Thou art God, Thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. Thou hast made the heaven and earth."

Dear Praying Friends,

Sorry it's been such a long time since you heard anything from me, I really don't know where the time has gone, and I've intended to sit down and write this for some time now!

As we reflect on all that is happening in the world today, it is good, isn't it, to remind ourselves of the truth of this verse from Isaiah. Whatever we may think, God IS in control and He knows what He is doing.

Some of you who get this by e-mail will have had an interim report, giving details of our arrival back in Japan.

For those who haven't heard much, I'll try and give you the details now.


As many of you will know, I got married on the 17th August to a wonderful woman called Crystal Folk, in Vernon, B.C., Canada, so we have now returned to Japan and are settling in to our 'new' apartment here at Japan Mission very well.

We were married in Crystal's home church, the German Church of God, in Vernon, and afterward, our reception was held in Crystal's old college, with a spectacular view over Vernon's Kalamalka Lake.

We had a wonderful three weeks prior to the wedding, with plenty of time to get to know Crystal's friends and relatives, as well as entertaining some of my relatives who came over for the big day.

After the reception, Crystal and I headed south for the USA and spent 10 days in a town called Coeur d'Alene in the state of Idaho. It was my first time in the States, and we both had a great time, doing lots of things together.

We stayed at a lovely B&B overlooking the lake and the owner, a lady called Sue, is a Christian, so that made it all the more special.

Thank you for your prayers for our wedding. We really believe the day brought glory to the Lord, and we pray that He will speak to any guests who don't yet know Him as Saviour.

Back in Japan

I am continuing my work in the Japan Mission office, while Crystal works at the Japanese Kindergarten in Osaka, until January of next year, when her contract finishes. It has been tiring for her to commute for almost 3 hours each day, so we really appreciate your prayers for strength throughout.

What Next?

As mentioned above, Crystal will be finishing her contract with the Japanese Kindergarten in Osaka, at the end of January 2003.

After much prayer and talking together, we have decided it's time for us to move on, and are planning to go to N. Ireland for a year from next April.

We aren't sure what we will do there yet, but are continuing to pray about that, and would really value your prayers on that front too.

It's a sad time in many ways for us, as I have been with Japan Mission for over 5 years, and we have both been in Japan for over 9 years (combined).

We believe that God has a plan for us, and He will lead us as we seek to follow Him.

We praise the Lord, that since I began writing this prayer update, Japan Mission have found a replacement for me. She is South African, and that will make her ideal in the office, as she speaks both Afrikaans and English, and a lot of the correspondence is in Afrikaans, as Neil Verwey, the co-founder of the mission, is from South Africa.

Pray also, that I might leave well-documented records of all the things I do in the office, and that they will give sufficient detail for the new secretary to follow.

God is so good, and the mission really sense His leading in this. We hope that the new secretary can be her by the end of January 2003, so that I can give her training in the various office routines that I currently undertake.

Do pray that I might be able to find suitable employment for the year we are in N.I. and also that we might be able to get a place to live.



Is a girl who attends the Lighthouse Church (the church Sam McGeown started). She became a Christian about a year ago and was baptised in July this year and it has been encouraging to see her grow as a Christian.

Recently, however, she began going out with a non-Christian from her university, despite warnings from several of her Christian friends at church.

We met her boyfriend, Kazuki, on the 19th October and were able to have a good chat with him about spiritual things.

Of course, the temptation for any young Christian girl, even in Western countries, to go out with a non-Christian, is strong, but in Japan, with few, if any, Christian friends at university or in the family, the pressure is even greater.

Do pray that she will be wise, and have the courage to obey the Lord in this matter.

Sachiko (Lighthouse Church)

Sachiko is another young lady who became a Christian recently and is attending the Lighthouse regularly. She brought her sister and her sister's boyfriend to the special children's day service at the church on the 20th October. It is encouraging, not only to see God at work in lives, but to see new Christians reaching out to others also.

Michael & Sachiko

As well as being groomsman at our wedding, Michael, who I've mentioned many times in previous prayer letters, is getting married at the end of November, to Sachiko.

Michael has recently changed jobs and is now teaching full-time for a church in Sakai city, where he and Sachiko are renting an apartment to live in after they are married. This represents a major change for Michael, not only a drop in salary, but also having to prepare Bible times for all the classes he teaches.

Do pray for them both at this important time in their lives.

Sam & Yoriko

Sam & Yoriko and their two children are in Australia, where Sam continues his studies at Bible college near Melbourne.

They will be there a few years yet, and are keen to follow the Lord's direction for their lives while they are there.

They are involved in a Japanese church there, where Sam speaks occasionally.


As you will know from my last prayer news, a number of the believers at Ashiya have moved during the past year, and this has left numbers down quite a bit. Ronnie Cairns, who I write about often too, is in N. Ireland for a year. Do pray that they would not be discouraged, but might see this as an opportunity to evangelise and pray that God would send people along to 'fill in the gap'.

Praise the Lord, that on the 27th October, I was able to give my first 'full length' message in Japanese! It was translated by a student of one of the missionaries here, and she did an excellent job. Many said that they could really understand the message, which was a real answer to prayer.

English Classes

I continue to teach twice a month at the free English class at Ashiya. There are two classes, one children's class and one adult's. The children's class has about 9 or 10 regulars, though the adult class has been a bit disappointing, with only church members attending, and none from the neighbourhood.

Thank you so much for your interest and your prayers.

Aaron & Crystal

Aaron Wilson, Japan Mission, 7-40 Monzen Cho, Ikoma Shi, Nara Ken 630-0266. Japan.

Tel: (from UK) 0081-7437-3-7904 (Joy Club Residence).

Fax: (from UK) 0081-7437-3-1681


Please note the NEW address for sending gifts: ‘Japan Mission’ (Sybil Oliver), 56 Warrenside Close, Blackburn, Lancs BB1 9PF.

E-mail: (please mark your gift ‘For Aaron Wilson’ and that way I can thank you personally as well.

Copies of this prayer letter can be obtained from:

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cox, 22 Shortwood Road, Dovecot, Liverpool. L14 0NH