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Last Updated
30 March 2004
News from Japan Mission March/April 2003

Dear Praying Friends,

At the time of writing this, I’m preparing for a message on the ‘Triumphal Entry’ at the Lighthouse church on the 2nd March.

The text above is part of the passage we’ll be considering that day and one of the main themes is that of the rejection of Messiah by His people and His grief for the judgment which would follow as a result.

Let us ask God for strength to reach out to the many we know who have rejected Him also, that they may not have to suffer in a similar fashion when He returns.

Where have we been?

I’m sure that many of you will be wondering what has happened to us since we last wrote. Well, apologies once again for not writing sooner.

As we mentioned in our last prayer news, we plan to come to N. Ireland around the 10th of May.

Crystal finished work at the kindergarten on the 31st January and has been kept busy looking after me and lending a hand wherever she is needed. Her expertise as a kindergarten teacher has been very useful and she enjoys passing on tips to other English teachers and helping them in their classes.

British Visa

We have applied for a visa for Crystal, who, as many of you will know, is Canadian. She has to attend an interview on the 4th March in Tokyo, and at the moment the British Embassy is processing her application.

Do pray that the process would be a smooth one and we’d be able to get the visa without any problems.

We haven’t as yet made any concrete plans as to what we’ll do in N. Ireland, but Aaron plans to start searching for jobs via the Internet sometime in March.

We’ll also be looking for a place to live, probably to rent, though we are thankful to have the offer of staying with Aaron’s parents until we find somewhere.

We may need a car, depending on where we live, so if you happen to know anyone who is selling one at a reasonable price and in good condition, please feel free to drop us an e-mail or write us a note.

As you can see, there are lots of things to pray for, but we are so glad that the Lord has a plan for us, and we are looking forward to seeing what that is, in His time.

Do pray that as Aaron looks for work and as we look for a place to live, that we may be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and that we would seek to be good witnesses for Him wherever He leads us.

Please pray also, that Aaron would be able to give his successor in the office, Lizelle Barnard, as much training as possible in all the office routines, before we leave.


We have been in Japan now, for a combined total of almost 10 years! Japan has certainly become an important part of both of our lives, and we will miss the place a lot, especially the many friends we have made during our time here.

We both believe, for a number of reasons, that it is now time to move on.

However, we would love to share what God is and has been doing in Japan, so please do contact us when we get back and we’ll be glad to come and share with your church or group about the work here.

Please write to us or contact us via Aaron’s parents at the address at the bottom of this prayer letter.

Michael & Sachiko

My good friend Michael was married to Sachiko on the 30th November 2002 in Hawaii.

He called me the day after they arrived back to Japan to say how well things had gone.

His parents, neither of whom know the Lord Jesus as Saviour, as well as Sachiko’s family were very impressed by the sacrifice and service provided by the pastor who conducted the wedding ceremony. Both he and his wife really went the second mile in making sure that everything went smoothly, and both Michael and Sachiko are so grateful to God for His blessing on the day and the preparations beforehand.

They also had a ‘wedding reception’ here in Osaka, for those friends who couldn’t make it to Hawaii.

One friend who came to know the Lord through Michael’s witness at his previous English school, gave a wonderful word of testimony at the reception, where many non-Christians were present.

Michael told me later that this prompted many questions from some of Sachiko’s friends who were there. Praise the Lord indeed.


Ronnie Cairns will be back in April, after a year long sabbatical, when he returned to N. Ireland to carry out some research on behalf of the university he works for in Japan.

It will be good to have him back and we will just manage to see him before we head off to Canada on the 14th April, God willing.

Tanaka san

Do continue to pray for Tanaka san, who has been a member of Ashiya for many years. She had a baby last year, and under pressure from her father, had to take him to the shrine as is the tradition with many baby boys born in Japan. Although she resisted initially, the pressure was too much for her in the end.

She is now concerned about the future, because at the age of 5 and then again at 14, boys are taken to the shrine to be ‘blessed’.

Do pray for her and that even through this trial, the Lord will enable her to maintain a testimony for Him, and that her father might see that it is the only God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who can give true blessing and forgiveness for sins.


Things continue to go well at the Lighthouse church, with John Biggs, who recently became pastor there, and his wife Keiko, who usually translates his sermons into Japanese.

As well as Sunday morning, there is a Bible study each Friday evening where John is seeking to take the church through key Bible teachings.

Each week, there are usually at least a few ‘first-timers’ and it is wonderful to see the Lord blessing the ministry through the salvation of souls and the building up of believers there.

Of course, when the Lord blesses a church, the enemy also seeks to destroy, and we have seen the devil at work too, seeking to disrupt the fellowship and relationships between believers.

Do pray that there would be a sense of unity and that the devil wouldn’t succeed in his plans.

What Next?

As we mentioned earlier, we plan to leave Japan on the 14th April, and this will probably be our last official ‘prayer letter’ as such, although of course we want to stay in touch with you all as much as possible, so please do feel free to keep e-mailing, or writing.

I (Aaron) cannot thank you enough for your support during my time here, and look forward to keeping in touch as we enter this new chapter of our lives.

Thanks also to Bill & Christine Cox for their hard work in sending out this prayer letter each time, and others who forward it also.

Wishing you much blessing in the year ahead as you seek to serve Him.

Aaron & Crystal

Aaron & Crystal Wilson, c/o 1 Grange Avenue, Dunmurry, BELFAST,

Co. Antrim, N. Ireland. BT17 0DD

Tel: 028 9061 0241


Gifts for the work of Japan Mission can be sent to: ‘Japan Mission’

56 Warrenside Close, Blackburn, Lancs BB1 9PF.


Copies of this prayer letter can be obtained from:

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cox, 22 Shortwood Road, Dovecot, Liverpool. L14 0NH